
Do you feel lucky?

Luck, what else to chalk it up to? I’m a member of a female, male set of fraternal twins, and, there’s one set of fraternal twins ten years older than my twin brother and I. So we have four of us, each with one twin member, with the same parents and no, no fertility drugs.

Still, there is no way that luck manifests by magic. I think that opportunities unfold as if by magic perhaps, but it’s a matter of taking risks, learning from mistakes and possessing fortitude – some of the time.

Auspicious fortune, I think, involves complex, delicate, combinations pulled from the forces that sustain life, if, you’re dealt the right cards. Now is this luck? The question is open to interpretation.

In the meantime, I call myself a Lucky Cull because it sounds cute, like when someone has a "lucky call". Luck, I think you may be able to muster to an extent, but I’m afraid that’s all.

My site often weighs two significant historical time frames, one tragic, luckless, one enlightened, auspicious. Therefore, I cannot call anybody lucky when I know that darkness and tragedy, or the metaphorical light, can happen to people at random.

But do please, call me a twin Cull anytime, for this is what I am.

Sheila Cull
Twin Cull ©

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