
Papered Books and (my) Justified Guilt

The book I’ve been hesitantly trying to finish is “A Palestine Affair” by Wilson. I’m just not into it. I think because I’m just not as into fiction unless, (I’ve used this as an example before) it’s something researched and dynamic like “Help” by Stockett, or, the best of well researched historical fiction like Schindler’s List by Keneally.  So I’ll be walking to my neighborhood bookstore soon. 

Okay, I’ve relayed in my site the importance of manipulating digital material to err on the side of conservation.  I’m an obvious tree hugger.  Therefore I tried so hard to go the read digital only route that I took a several month long hiatus from even writing.  Due to my diplopia, low vision, I had to create my own version of an e-book using a Think Pad.  It worked, and I read books on it.  I feel guilty.  I feel like a hypocrite because I am.  I’m going book shopping for real papered books.  When I read the only thing I want blinking is my mind. 

I’m not alone.  Papered book sales still out number digital book sales but this will change, thank goodness.  I’m not giving up by any means.  Maybe this will be my last trip to this papered book store. But I have to part with an old behavior first. My cherished curl up and reads aren’t as cozy with digital.

Should I feel guilty?  Yes.  I wonder if anyone else feels this justified guilt in regards to the purchase of papered books.  If you do, you’re not alone either.

Sheila Cull
Twin Cull ©

1 comment:


    Ultimate Conclusion (I posted this recently in regards to above blog)

    It’s a cinch to promote universe friendly e-reader devices, in theory, sure, especially if it’s in no way a cinch to read from said device. I’ve mentioned my double vision, diplopia, so it took me thousands of hours to confidently yell, “I’m e-reading!”

    Meaning, it took a home made Kindle in the form of an original IBM ThinkPad, plus thousands of hours of, in my case at least, slowly, learned networking digitization with a little help from my significant other. And here’s the kicker, he’s helped me virtually. Believe it, no phone line or time, not in person, not over the “internet”, virtually. My friends, in today’s digital climate, this is possible. Oh, yes it is.

    “Choose your battles,” I often repeat. Where there’s a will there’s a way; I believe this. Save the planet is at the top of my list.

    The ultimate conclusion - never again will I purchase a book in the form of paper, because there really is, too much at stake.

    “And that’s all she wrote,” I’ve heard said, at least for today.
