
Walmart Book THE PERFECT HOPE Nora Roberts, No, Unless Ghosts Feel Your Hair When You Feel Sad

Even though I adore her second book in BOOK THREE OF THE INN BOONSBORO TRILOGY, this final paperback made for a sour ending, "The Perfect Hope", caught me off guard.  Of course I anticipated an adorable read because Roberts had never disappointed me, plus I really enjoyed reading the same series, previous book. 

No ambiguity, I know why it bothered me.  So, in "The Perfect Hope", familiar, likable characters, by the third chapter, a mere strong speculation of supernatural ghosts, turned these people, this family, into a clan that had a female, year 1865-ish, ghost name Lizzy, and they talked with, saw, and felt her.  Lizzy always had on the same American Civil War era dress when she appeared.  Making fiction believable, I expected from Roberts.  You don't, say, read any stories in the news about groups of individuals that carry on with a semi tangible supernatural ghost.

I was surprised.  Jeez, the rest was okay, still money worth spent, "Thank you, Ms. Nora Roberts", but when this ghost thing proliferated, I couldn't wait to finish.

Let's blame it on Walmart. I wonder if Walmart pays someone to read through their collective display of literature.

Last night I began a nonfiction, new release, that's right, nonfiction, scandal about the first victim of that famous sports coach, Jerry Sandusky.  I know it's really sad, but the book, a page turner.

Sheila Cull

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