
What animal species best describes you?

Me? A pleased to stay right where it's at donkey. It's been well over a year that my donkey-ness learning ass, ought to have enjoyed control of my own blog/site. Laziness? A breeze, can you blame me? Required digital learning, for me, is an agonizing bore. And the amount of time? Oy, oy, oy, oy. Worth the price? Indeed, yes.

However, my deepest motivation is reading, writing, and sharing two of history's deeply studied and, strikingly different time periods, one successful, one awful. I feel like shaking our globe and yelling, "Wake up! Now!" The answer lies in history.

But the tiring study of web design? Maybe.

Programs with partly designed templates are in the wings, that's as far as I've got.

Both Blogger and/or WordPress likely never read a word by me. Not with the amount of daily publications on their metaphorical plate, I wouldn't think. Interestingly, I did get a WordPress post of hate mail - because I jumped blog hosting ships.

I can't quit though.

Nobody in their right mind would ask to be just like a donkey. It is what it is. What animal are you most like?


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