
Civil War Spy to New Age Lit: The Spy

Harriet Tubman, if I learned it in school, great, I should have.  It’s simply amazing history.  But pretend that you missed your school years, and you entered this world as an 18 year old baby, with special needs.  So between the ages of 18 and 46, you make adjustments for these needs.  For example, you learn that you cannot watch television, because too much audio/visual simultaneous stimulation, adversely affects you, so to cull information, you read.  You read, learn, that the mid 1800’s were a time when you would not want to be born into the newly formed United States of America, as an African American female.

Then, at 46, you stumble into literature that presents the basic facts of an extraordinary African American female slave.  Then you discover that the Union’s American Civil War force, took her, for their advantage, and creates a secret spy. You learn that she even led armed soldiers into crucial battles.  Wouldn’t you feel surprised too?

It’s only been a week since I learned this, and everyone I’ve talked to said, “Of course, I learned about her in school.”  To avoid redundancy, I won’t recite the history.

Tubman as she relates to New Age ideology becomes obvious, because New Age spirituality is a universal truth in which individuals reach their highest potential.  In Tubman’s act of freeing other slaves, I feel, is her biggest contribution to the New Age movement.

Tomorrow, and not too much later in relatively recent history, Napolean Hill, 1883 to 1970, what is up with Napolean?

Sheila Cull 
Twin Cull ©

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