
Traumatic Brain Injury and Sentiment - I have both and I have a theory.


As relayed previously on this site, my left lower brain stem suffered injury when I was 18 years old; today I'm 46.  It's well documented that the brainstem is responsible for  emotional reactions. Albeit, these emotional reactions are in direct correlation with a physical response.  For example, when I get excited about anything, my heart beat quickens, and sometimes it quickens out of control.  But not due to anxiety, rather due to other feelings, like when I'm happy, I'm really happy or when I'm in love I'm really in love.  I'm healthy; I practice deep breathing and yoga.  Therefore I've learned that when my emotional reactions are out of control, it's because, I think, that my physiological manifestation of symptoms are impaired. 


Also well documented is that the brain stem is responsible for the sleep, wake cycle.  I've learned that when I get sleepy, I get weepy.  Similar to a baby.  And when awake?  I'm super awake. 


If a human feels heartache or the death of a loved one, how can you predict a reaction?  So sentiments are circumstantial and physiological.  The human brain is so complex and very interconnected, meaning a single brain structure as in the brain stem, is not responsible for any and all emotions. 


Sweet emotion.


One Lucky CullMB900441163


Definition of SENTIMENT


a : an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling : predilection

b : a specific view or notion : opinion

a : emotion

b : refined feeling : delicate sensibility especially as expressed in a work of art

c : emotional idealism

d : a romantic or nostalgic feeling verging on sentimentality


a : an idea colored by emotion

b : the emotional significance of a passage or expression as distinguished from its verbal context



French or Medieval Latin; French, from Medieval Latin sentimentum, from Latin sentire

First Known Use: 1639

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